We are a people who pray! We believe in the power of prayer because we serve a Living God who listens to us and cares about our needs. We pray to change our lives and see God’s Kingdom come into our darkness with His light. We pray to see the Kingdom break through our circumstances. We pray to see lives transformed and healed. We pray because its who we are - prayerful sons and daughters.
Join us on Mondays at 6:30pm. Please call 760 975-8862 if you are interested in joining us and directions to location will be given.
A Companion for 12 Step Recovery through the loving Power and Truth of Jesus
What are the gods in your life? What is most important to you?
Is it money, work, relationships, control, drugs or alcohol?
Do any of these areas dominate your thinking, your emotions, or even your actions?
If so, they may represent addictions or dependencies.
An addiction is anything we turn to for comfort other than Jesus! You may have come from a dysfunctional family as you were growing up and have carried these emotions into your adulthood which became a foundation in your life as an adult, which lead you into your addictions so that you could cover up your pain.
Serenity is a safe and confidential place to come and be a part of a group that is here to listen, relate to, and walk this journey out together to freedom! We are not here to fix you, rather to bring you closer to the only Person that can do that, JESUS! Serenity is based on Biblical truth and utilizes the tested and respected 12 steps to recovery!
Serenity is at 6:30pm every Thursday evening.
Please contact Michael for location at
203-819-0458 or email michael@discoverysd.org

Kairos Outside: This is a ministry for women impacted by the incarceration of a loved one. When a woman has a loved one doing time on the inside of a prison, she is doing time on the Outside. Kairos Outside is designed to help strengthen and support these women through retreats, small groups, and reunions.
The goals of Kairos Outside include providing a safe place for these women to connect; to offer God’s love and acceptance; to encourage the sharing of life’s journey; to foster spiritual growth; to promote participation in small groups; to create an opportunity for a relationship with God. Participants have life changing encounters with God and others.
To learn more, contact:
Bertha Miller: berthamiller1950@gmail.com
Donna McClellan: donnamcclellan042@gmail.com
LoveDefined, the seminar: this is a 5 hour seminar that defines love as revealed in 1Corinthians 13. The seminar explores how in our own need, weakness, and failure, we receive this love from God first and then give it away to others in their need, weakness, and failure. This is the life of a disciple, to follow Christ by loving others in the same way we have been loved.
LoveDefined, the course: This is a 13 week journey that guides you to experience Christ loving you in your daily life. As you encounter and receive this love, it does the work of transforming your heart and securing you in Christ alone. Then you are challenged to practice giving this love away to others in the same way you have received it. This is the journey of a disciple. Love is the evidence that we have come to know God and that we have relationship with Him. There is no other evidence of intimacy with God - only love.
To schedule the seminar or this course for your small group or church, please contact Weyman Howard: howard1009@gmail.com